Meet our Partners.


NYS Department of Conservation

Canandaigua TU works very closely with the DEC’s Region 8 office in our conservation efforts to preserve the Cohocton River and its yearly stocking activities.

The New York State Department of Conservation website is a great source of information on fly fishing in New York State. The site contains information regarding fish species, regulations, places to fish, including maps, fishing reports, and publications.

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Casting For Recovery

Casting for Recovery (CfR) provides healing outdoor retreats for women with breast cancer, at no cost to the participants. CfR’s retreats offer opportunities for women to find inspiration, discover renewed energy for life, and experience healing connections with other women and nature. The retreats are open to women with breast cancer of all ages, in all stages of treatment and recovery. For over 20 years, women from all walks of life have benefitted from CfR’s inspiring program model.