Join Us
Join us at Rio Tomatlán for our monthly socials.
No need to be a member to attend we encourage people who aren’t members to attend, you can learn new things, meet new people, while enjoying great food and drinks.

Fly Tying School
Fly tying School (Class 3)
The Fly Tying School will be four classes in March at the Victor-Farmington Library, on Tuesday evenings; 3/4/25, 3/11/25, 3/18/25, 3/25/25 from 6:00pm - 7:45pm.
If your fly tying is a little rusty or you just need to top off your boxes before Spring fishing, you are welcome to take the school also.
The emphasis is on teaching YOU!
There will be five classes in this year's school. Each class will tie one to two patterns.
Each Pattern will be demonstrated by the instructor. Then the student will tie each pattern with assistance.
There will be multiple very experienced instructors.
Additional mentors will circulate among the students to offer tying assistance at each class.
Five to twelve patterns will be taught, while progressively building tying techniques.
A complete instruction booklet, with pictures and step-by-step details is included.
ALL TYING MATERIALS are provided by the Chapter for classroom use.
A few Loaner / Beginner vises are available.
Students need to bring their own fly-tying tools.
Please contact us if you would like to help at
COHOCTON RIVER - March Trout STocking event
COHOCTON RIVER - March Trout STocking event
The Bath hatchery’s first trout stocking on the Cohocton River will be next Wednesday March 19th.
We are meeting at the Mountain View Inn in Atlanta, NY at 9:00 am.
There are usually 12 -13 different stops along the river through early afternoon.
To volunteer and participate please send an email to our Conservation Chair Steve Firlit at: sfirlit74@hotmail.com

Fly Tying School
Fly tying School (class 4)
The Fly Tying School will be four classes in March at the Victor-Farmington Library, on Tuesday evenings; 3/4/25, 3/11/25, 3/18/25, 3/25/25 from 6:00pm - 7:45pm.
If your fly tying is a little rusty or you just need to top off your boxes before Spring fishing, you are welcome to take the school also.
The emphasis is on teaching YOU!
There will be five classes in this year's school. Each class will tie one to two patterns.
Each Pattern will be demonstrated by the instructor. Then the student will tie each pattern with assistance.
There will be multiple very experienced instructors.
Additional mentors will circulate among the students to offer tying assistance at each class.
Five to twelve patterns will be taught, while progressively building tying techniques.
A complete instruction booklet, with pictures and step-by-step details is included.
ALL TYING MATERIALS are provided by the Chapter for classroom use.
A few Loaner / Beginner vises are available.
Students need to bring their own fly-tying tools.
Please contact us if you would like to help at

April Social
Cohocton River Monitoring Plan Overview with guest speaker Kyle Glenn Biologist / NY Field Coordinator
TU Northeast Coldwater Habitat Program
Come out and hear about Trout Unlimited North East regions study of the Cohocton River.
Canadaigua Lake TU - Fly Fishing School
Canadaigua Lake TU - Fly Fishing School
Location TBD
Canandaigua Lake TU - Summer Picnic
Canandaigua Lake TU - Summer Picnic
– location to be determined

Fly Tying School
Fly tying School (class 2)
The Fly Tying School will be four classes in March at the Victor-Farmington Library, on Tuesday evenings; 3/4/25, 3/11/25, 3/18/25, 3/25/25 from 6:00pm - 7:45pm.
If your fly tying is a little rusty or you just need to top off your boxes before Spring fishing, you are welcome to take the school also.
The emphasis is on teaching YOU!
There will be five classes in this year's school. Each class will tie one to two patterns.
Each Pattern will be demonstrated by the instructor. Then the student will tie each pattern with assistance.
There will be multiple very experienced instructors.
Additional mentors will circulate among the students to offer tying assistance at each class.
Five to twelve patterns will be taught, while progressively building tying techniques.
A complete instruction booklet, with pictures and step-by-step details is included.
ALL TYING MATERIALS are provided by the Chapter for classroom use.
A few Loaner / Beginner vises are available.
Students need to bring their own fly-tying tools.
Please contact us if you would like to help at

2025 Fly Fishers Workshop
2025 Fly Fishers Workshop
Canandaigua Lake TU will be one of the conservation groups participating in this year's Fly Fisher's Workshop. This is the first time this event has been held since before the Covid pandemic. The event is being held at the Barker Road Middle School in Pittsford, NY.
Fly Fisher’s Workshop is a fun one-day fly fishing event that provides informative workshops/seminars to promote fly fishing and broaden skills. The workshop will also include seminars on cold water conservation. It’s the largest fly fishing event in Upstate New York!
Our chapter is leading a seminar on Fly Fishing the Finger Lakes Tributaries at 11:30am.
Gordon is presenting 'Thank God for Sunfish' at 9:30am and 1:30pm.
Single Admission Ticket (12 & under free) is $10.00
Click here to learn more and buy your tickets now and save $5 off same day admission!
Also, we will also be selling tickets for our annual picnic raffle.
The grand prize is a Redington 7 1/2' 4wt Butter Stick outfit, which would be perfect for "Blue Lining" our smaller creeks.

Fly Tying School
Fly tying School (class 1)
The Fly Tying School will be four classes in March at the Victor-Farmington Library, on Tuesday evenings; 3/4/25, 3/11/25, 3/18/25, 3/25/25 from 6:00pm - 7:45pm.
If your fly tying is a little rusty or you just need to top off your boxes before Spring fishing, you are welcome to take the school also.
The emphasis is on teaching YOU!
There will be five classes in this year's school. Each class will tie one to two patterns.
Each Pattern will be demonstrated by the instructor. Then the student will tie each pattern with assistance.
There will be multiple very experienced instructors.
Additional mentors will circulate among the students to offer tying assistance at each class.
Five to twelve patterns will be taught, while progressively building tying techniques.
A complete instruction booklet, with pictures and step-by-step details is included.
ALL TYING MATERIALS are provided by the Chapter for classroom use.
A few Loaner / Beginner vises are available.
Students need to bring their own fly-tying tools.
Please contact us if you would like to help at

February Social
February Social
Ice Fishing Basics with Kurt Charland
We are having an old-fashioned cold winter for a change and lakes and ponds all over New York have frozen over enough to safely Ice Fish again. Join us on Tuesday February 10th as our own Kurt Charland talks about the tips and techniques to enjoy "hard water" fishing.

December Social
December Social and Holiday party
Our annual holiday party is on December 9 at Rio Tomatlan.
Meet and greet at 6:00, party starts at 6:30.
White Elephant Holiday Gift Exchange
Raffle, Food/Drink, Fun

November Monthly Meeting
November Meeting - Trout In The Classroom and youth program Updates
Come out to hear about our great youth education programs. We will hear updates on this year's programs. Hopefully meet some of the participating youth and Teachers. We will also give updates on our other youth programs.
This school year there are six Trout in the Classroom programs in our chapter's territory (Naples, Plattsburgh, Penn Yan, Marcus Whitman, Canandaigua and Geneva).
October Monthly Meeting
October Monthly MeetinG
Oktoberfest Fall Fishing Preview
Guest Speaker: Peter Austerman, NY DEC
Pete Austerman from the New York DEC will again be our Guest Speaker. Pete will be sharing the results of the electroshocking surveys taken this past summer. We will also be giving you an update on Fall Great Lakes tributary season, which is heating up.
We will again be meeting in the upstairs room of Rio Tomatlan, which is an excellent restaurant in downtown Canandaigua. Come early for dinner or enjoy an appetizer and beverage during our event.
Rio Tomatlan
106 Bemis Street, Canandaigua
September Monthly Meeting
September 9 – “How I Spent My Summer Vacation”
Join us for our first event of the 2024-2025 season, at a brand-new location. We will be meeting in the upstairs room of Rio Tomatlan, which is an excellent restaurant in downtown Canandaigua. Come early for dinner or enjoy an appetizer and beverage during our event.
As has become a tradition, our September meeting will feature fish stories and other tall tales from waters near and far. So far we have reports from Alaska, Montana and Wyoming on tap, as well as our local waters.
We will also introduce our new leadership team and learn about what events we are planning for this season.
Date/Time: Monday September 9, 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Location: Rio Tomatlan, 106 Bemis Street, Canandaigua, New Yor (click on map to the left for location)

Gorham Fun Days
Gorham Fun Days, Lincoln Hill Farms, Sunday July 28, 11am-4pm
Bring the family out on Sunday July 28th, to celebrate the history of Gorham, NY at Lincoln Hill Farms.
It's a full day of events, starting at 9 a.m. with a 5K and a children's run at 11 a.m. to commemorate a race held years ago to remember Marcus Whitman, a missionary born in Rushville, a section of Gorham.
The day's family activities will officially begin at 11 a.m. and go until 4 p.m. include a tractor show, vendors, a literary festival featuring F.L.A.R.E. - Finger Lakes Authors and Readers Experience with almost two dozen authors from multiple genres. Children's book authors will also have activities for the kids.
There will also be the opportunity to learn about the local historical history and composting and conservation education. Historical Societies from Gorham, MIddlesex, Prattsburgh, Wheeler and the Narcissa Prentiss House will be available.
Come out and enjoy the day. Food will be available on site.
Educational and Hands-On Activities:
Cornell Cooperative Extension
Marcus Whitman Science Department
DEC Fisheries
Canandaigua Lake Trout Unlimited
Finger Lakes Prism
Impact Earth
Vintage Tractor/Equipment Display with Yates Tractor Club
Voter Registration

DEC Electro Fishing on the Cohocton River (Copy) (Copy)
DEC Electro Fishing on the Cohocton River
We are planning to electrofish the Cohocton River from July 9th through the 12th.
We hope to start downstream near Kanona and work upstream throughout the week, ending at Schribner Rd.
This could change depending on flow/temperature. Let me know if anyone wants to join us and we can coordinate time/location as we get closer.
Here is where we will be if weather/flow are not a factor:
Tuesday (7/9) – Cross Rd and Avoca Back Rd
Wednesday (7/10) – Wentworth Rd and State Route 371
Thursday (7/11) – church in Atlanta, Parks Rd, Schribner Rd
Pete Austerman
Aquatic Biologist, Division of Fish and Wildlife
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Please click here to contact Ralph Rothfelder if you are interested in participating.
Ralph Rothfelder
Conservation Chairman
Canandaigua Lake Trout Unlimited

DEC Electro Fishing on the Cohocton River (Copy)
DEC Electro Fishing on the Cohocton River
We are planning to electrofish the Cohocton River from July 9th through the 12th.
We hope to start downstream near Kanona and work upstream throughout the week, ending at Schribner Rd.
This could change depending on flow/temperature. Let me know if anyone wants to join us and we can coordinate time/location as we get closer.
Here is where we will be if weather/flow are not a factor:
Tuesday (7/9) – Cross Rd and Avoca Back Rd
Wednesday (7/10) – Wentworth Rd and State Route 371
Thursday (7/11) – church in Atlanta, Parks Rd, Schribner Rd
Pete Austerman
Aquatic Biologist, Division of Fish and Wildlife
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Please click here to contact Ralph Rothfelder if you are interested in participating.
Ralph Rothfelder
Conservation Chairman
Canandaigua Lake Trout Unlimited

DEC Electro Fishing on the Cohocton River
DEC Electro Fishing on the Cohocton River
We are planning to electrofish the Cohocton River from July 9th through the 12th.
We hope to start downstream near Kanona and work upstream throughout the week, ending at Schribner Rd.
This could change depending on flow/temperature. Let me know if anyone wants to join us and we can coordinate time/location as we get closer.
Here is where we will be if weather/flow are not a factor:
Tuesday (7/9) – Cross Rd and Avoca Back Rd
Wednesday (7/10) – Wentworth Rd and State Route 371
Thursday (7/11) – church in Atlanta, Parks Rd, Schribner Rd
Pete Austerman
Aquatic Biologist, Division of Fish and Wildlife
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Please click here to contact Ralph Rothfelder if you are interested in participating.
Ralph Rothfelder
Conservation Chairman
Canandaigua Lake Trout Unlimited

End of Season Picnic 2024
Another Season is winding down. We had great year of conservation efforts, stockings, and the Trout in the Classroom program is growing, and of course lots of great fishing.
Come join us to celebrate the season and enjoy some great food and fun!
This year we will be at Lawrence Park in the Town of Cohocton. We will be cooking up hot dogs, burgers and providing beverages. Please bring a dish to pass (salads, desserts etc.)
Mark your calendars! More information to come regarding registration.

CLTU Fly Fishing School
2024 Fly Fishing School
We be holding our Intro to Fly Fishing school again this May 4th at Onanda Park on Canandaigua Lake.
To Register as a Student for the school, click the link below:
Click Here for Student Registration for Intro to Fly Fishing
Here is a quick outline of what to expect:
The school will be three hours long, from 9am to 12pm on Saturday May 4th.
The school will be free of charge. We will limit attendance to twenty students.
The school will be designed for beginners. No previous knowledge of fly-fishing is required. All skill levels are welcome to come.
After a brief introduction to the flyrod, line and reel, we will go outside and learn the basics of the fly cast.
After the class practices their casting, we will reconvene and cover more topics like where to fish, what to catch and what kind of flies to use.
We will break into smaller groups to cover more advanced topics like reading a stream and knot tying.
Snacks and beverages will be provided.
After the class, fishing off of the pier on Canandaigua Lake is available for anyone with a current NYS Freshwater fishing license
If you have any questions about learning how to fly fish or would like to volunteer for this event, send an email to Info@canandaigualaketu.org

Stocking Event
We need your help!
- Friday, April 5th
- Friday, April 19th
We will be bucket stocking the Cohocton River:
We need a dozen or more people each day.
We will distribute the roughly 3,570 fish (3,110 – 1-year-olds and 360 2-year-olds).
Stocking starts in Atlanta and after 20 or so stops ends in Kanona around 2:30 or 3:00 PM.
We need your help to effectively bucket stock and spread out the trout.
Please consult the weather and dress appropriately. High rubber boots or waders are recommended.
We will gather at 9:00 AM, at the Mountain View Inn located at 34 E Main St, Atlanta, NY 14808.
For those of you who have not participated before, this is a great way to start understanding where to fish on the Cohocton River.
If you can help, please email Ralph Rothfelder (rrothfelder@gmail.com) and let him know which day(s) you can help so I know how many volunteers are coming.

Stocking Event
We need your help!
- Friday, April 5th
- Friday, April 19th
We will be bucket stocking the Cohocton River:
We need a dozen or more people each day.
We will distribute the roughly 3,570 fish (3,110 – 1-year-olds and 360 2-year-olds).
Stocking starts in Atlanta and after 20 or so stops ends in Kanona around 2:30 or 3:00 PM.
We need your help to effectively bucket stock and spread out the trout.
Please consult the weather and dress appropriately. High rubber boots or waders are recommended.
We will gather at 9:00 AM, at the Mountain View Inn located at 34 E Main St, Atlanta, NY 14808.
For those of you who have not participated before, this is a great way to start understanding where to fish on the Cohocton River.
If you can help, please email Ralph Rothfelder (rrothfelder@gmail.com) and let him know which day(s) you can help so I know how many volunteers are coming.

Stocking the Cohocton
The first stocking event for 2024 on the Cohocton River is on Wednesday, March 20th. We will meet at the Mountain View Inn in Atlanta at 9:00 AM. Starting in Atlanta and stopping at roughly 20 locations.
We need volunteers. If you can participate, please email Ralph Rothfelder (Conservation Chairman) atrrothfelder@gmail.com.

March Monthly Meeting
Hold the Salt: Inshore fishing on the Finger Lakes
with Captain John Gaulke of Finger Lakes Angling Zone.
Monday March 11th at 6:30pm, Orvis Rochester.
Our March event will have a very special Guest Speaker, as we welcome Captain John Gaulke of Finger Lakes Angling Zone to Orvis Rochester. Originally from Penfield and now based near Ithaca, John has been successfully guiding anglers on the Finger Lakes for almost twenty years.
Because of their size and depth, the Finger Lakes are challenging but potentially very rewarding fisheries for both cold and warm water species. Captain John employs similar techniques used for inshore saltwater fishing, such as sinking fly lines, jigging and drop shotting to hook his clients up with salmon, trout, bass, pike and panfish. One has to master the double haul cast and strip set while on board a rocking boat to be successful when fly fishing. To get you to the fish quickly, John owns two Crestliner FishHawk boats with Mercury four stroke outboards, Lorrance electronics and Minn-Kota trolling motors.
We will be raffling off a full day Guided Trip for two with Captain John at this event ($450 value), as well as some other prizes. You won't want to miss this one.

Canandaigua Lake TU Annual Fly Tying School
When: Wednesday Evenings, February 21, 28, March 13, 20, 27
The emphasis is on teaching YOU!
There will be five classes in this year's school. Each class will tie one to two patterns.
Each Pattern will be demonstrated by the instructor. Then the student will tie each pattern with assistance.
There will be multiple very experienced instructors.
Additional mentors will circulate among the students to offer tying assistance at each class.
Five to twelve patterns will be taught, while progressively building tying techniques.
A complete instruction booklet, with pictures and step-by-step details is included.
ALL TYING MATERIALS are provided by the Chapter for classroom use.
A few Loaner / Beginner vises are available.
Students need to purchase their own fly-tying tools (Click Here for specific recommendations)
Hurry, seats are limited to the first 15 students!

February Monthly MEeting
Cohocton River Profile with DEC's Peter Austerman
Our Guest Speaker will be Peter Austerman, who has been an Aquatic Biologist in the NYSDEC Region 8 Fisheries Unit since 2006. He is originally from Penn Yan and grew up fishing in many of the lakes and streams in the Finger Lakes region. Pete completed environmental programs at Finger Lakes Community College and SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry.
Doors will open at 6pm
- Come early to enjoy a beverage and exchange fish stories with your buddies.
- Bernie will be tying flies and/or making fly line welded loops.

December Meeting - Holiday Party!
Holiday Party!
Our meeting will be in person at American Legion Canandaigua Post 256 at 454 N Main Street. We will not be simulcasting on Zoom.
If you had a fun adventure over the summer and want to share your fish stories, email us at Info@CanandaiguaLakeTU.org.
Note: This season we are starting meetings at the Legion half an hour earlier at 6:30pm and ending promptly at 8pm. The doors will open at 6:00pm. Come early to help us setup, grab some refreshments and tell fish stories with your buddies.

November Meeting
Join us at Canandaigua Lake TU's October meeting of the 2023-24 season on Monday, November 13th at 6:30pm.
Our meeting will be in person at American Legion Canandaigua Post 256 at 454 N Main Street. We will not be simulcasting on Zoom.
If you have any questions about the meeting or the chapter, email us at Info@CanandaiguaLakeTU.org.
Note: This season we are starting meetings at the Legion half an hour earlier at 6:30pm and ending promptly at 8pm. The doors will open at 6:00pm. Come early to help us setup, grab some refreshments and tell fish stories with your buddies.

Join us at Canandaigua Lake TU's October meeting of the 2023-24 season on Monday, October 9th at 6:30pm.
Our meeting will be in person at American Legion Canandaigua Post 256 at 454 N Main Street. We will not be simulcasting on Zoom.
If you have any questions about the meeting or the chapter, email us at Info@CanandaiguaLakeTU.org.
Note: This season we are starting meetings at the Legion half an hour earlier at 6:30pm and ending promptly at 8pm. The doors will open at 6:00pm. Come early to help us setup, grab some refreshments and tell fish stories with your buddies.

September Meeting - How I spent my Summer Vacation
Join us at Canandaigua Lake TU's first monthly meeting of the 2023-24 season on Monday, September 11th at 6:30pm. Our theme is 'How I Spent My Summer Vacation', as our speakers share their fishing and other adventures.
Our meeting will be in person at American Legion Canandaigua Post 256 at 454 N Main Street. We will not be simulcasting on Zoom.
If you had a fun adventure over the summer and want to share your fish stories, email us at Info@CanandaiguaLakeTU.org.
Note: This season we are starting meetings at the Legion half an hour earlier at 6:30pm and ending promptly at 8pm. The doors will open at 6:00pm. Come early to help us setup, grab some refreshments and tell fish stories with your buddies.

Shoreline Cleanup and Bass & Panfish Invitational
Shoreline Cleanup and Bass & Panfish Invitational
Boughton Park, East Bloomfield NY
Monday July 10 7am to 11am or 4pm-Sunset
For the past two years, the Boughton Park Commission has given Canandaigua Lake TU a Special Use Permit and several parking passes for our members and friends to enjoy this beautiful park.
This year, we will show our appreciation for this access by holding a Shoreline Cleanup event on the two lakes. Unfortunately, some anglers are slobs when they are on the water, so we'll be picking up any floating bottles, cans, plastic bags, worm containers and especially broken off fishing line and hooks. All trash we collect will be carried out of the park.
Click Here to register for the Shoreline Cleanup and Bass & Panfish Invitational
For more information about Boughton Park, click this link:
Click Here to Reserve your Special Parking Permit

Boy Scout Fly Fishing Merit Badge Assistance Sunday July 9 Budd Park
Canandaigua Lake TU is assisting Boy Scout Troops 46 and 122 in Phelps and Wayne County with their Boy Scout Fly Fishing Merit Badge. The event will be held at Budd Park in Shortsville, NY

End of Season Picnic
It's that time of year again when we wind down yet another great TU season that was full of great conservation efforts, education programs, and of course fishing.
We will be cooking up hot dogs, burgers and providing beverages. Please bring a dish to pass (salads, desserts etc.)
Click here for the TU Event center link to RSVP and get tickets, so that we know how much food to buy.
Bring your rod and try your luck on the pond!
This event is free but donations to defray the food costs would be appreciated.
Mon, June 12 at 6:00 PM at Victor Municipal Park - Picnic pavilion, Victor, New York

Intro to Fly Fishing School
We be holding our Intro to Fly Fishing school again this May 13 at Onanda Park on Canandaigua Lake. To Register as a Student for the school, click the link below:
Click Here for Student Registration for Intro to Fly Fishing
Here is a quick outline of what to expect:
The school will be three hours long, from 9am to 12pm on Saturday May 13th.
The school will be free of charge. We will limit attendance to twenty students.
The school will be designed for beginners. No previous knowledge of fly-fishing is required. All skill levels are welcome to come.
After a brief introduction to the flyrod, line and reel, we will go outside and learn the basics of the fly cast.
After the class practices their casting, we will reconvene and cover more topics like where to fish, what to catch and what kind of flies to use. We will break into smaller groups to cover more advanced topics like reading a stream and knot tying.

Annual Fly Tying School (Week 5)
Week 5 Class
Wednesday Evenings, March 1 to March 29th, 2023

Annual Fly Tying School (Week 4)
Week 4 Class
Wednesday Evenings, March 1 to March 29th, 2023